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GALLIUM snowboard & ski wax | Page 2
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- Gallium Anti-Icing Liquid, 50mlNow Only €38.69 Regular Price €48.36Liquid product, very effective in reducing grip zone icing on classic Zero race skis.
- Gallium Metallic Ion Block NF Wet +10°...0°C, 50gNow Only €51.80 Regular Price €64.75Metallic Ion Block NF Wet for wet snow at temperatures +10°...0°C.
- Gallium Hybrid Base NF Wax 0°...-25°C, 100gNow Only €13.77 Regular Price €17.21HYBRID BASE NF - ski/snowboard fluor-free base wax for all snow types (especially dry snow) at temperature range between 0°C and -25°C.
- Gallium D-CONTROL NF Glider +10°...0°C, 100gNow Only €45.25 Regular Price €56.56Fluor-free glider developed as a base wax for long distance races on dirty snow especially in spring time.
- Gallium Giga Speed BN_BLOCK NF -2°... -12°C, 50gNow Only €45.25 Regular Price €56.56Giga Speed BN_BLOCK - Fluor-free solid additive wax with BN compound.
- Gallium General F50 Universal +10°...-20°C, 50mlNow Only €9.22 Regular Price €12.30Universal fluorinated emulsion glide wax for all temperatures and all types of snow.
- Gallium Graphite NF Additive Glide Wax -2°...-20°C, 50gNow Only €12.46 Regular Price €15.57GRAPHITE NF - additive wax for all snow types at temperature range between -2°C and -20°C.
- Gallium Hybrid Base NF Soft Wax +10°...-3°C, 100gNow Only €13.77 Regular Price €17.21HYBRID SOFT BASE NF - ski/snowboard fluor-free base wax for moist and wet snow at temperature range between +10°C and -3°C.
- Gallium Universal Strong Liquid, 30mlNow Only €23.98 Regular Price €31.97Universal fluorinated liquid glide wax for all temperatures and all types of snow.
- Gallium Giga Speed Solid WET (PFOA-free) +10°...-5°C, 10gNow Only €97.75 Regular Price €130.33Gigaspeed Solid Wet - solid Topping designed for warm temperature and wet and dirty snow condition.
- Gallium Giga Speed Powder WET (PFOA-free) +10°...-2°C, 30gNow Only €171.52 Regular Price €228.69Gigaspeed Powder Wet - Powder Topping for wet snow and temperatures between -2°C...+10°C.
- Gallium Strong Set (Strong Liquid+Paste Hot)Now Only €42.42 Regular Price €56.56Gallium Strong Set consisting of Strong Liquid (30ml) + Strong Paste Hot (30 ml) - universal waxes for all temperature range and all types of snow.
- Gallium Strong Set (Paste Cold+Paste Hot)Now Only €36.27 Regular Price €48.36Set consisting of Strong Paste Cold and Strong Paste Hot (Universal fluorinated paste glide waxes) for all temperature range and all types of snow.
- Gallium Power Booster Solid, 15gNow Only €9.84 Regular Price €13.11There are two ways of using Power Booster.
- Gallium Giga Speed BN_BLOCK (PFOA-free) -10°... +2°C, 50gNow Only €39.96 Regular Price €53.28Giga Speed BN_BLOCK - Fluorinated solid additive wax with BN compound.
- Gallium Doctor FCG Solid (PFOA-free) +3°...-10°C, 5gNow Only €30.12 Regular Price €40.16DR FCG SOLID - Fluorinated solid topping for all types of snow, at temperatures between -10°C and +3°C.
- Gallium Doctor FCG Solid (PFOA-free) +3°...-10°C, 10gNow Only €60.86 Regular Price €81.15DR FCG SOLID - Fluorinated solid topping for all types of snow, at temperatures between -10°C and +3°C.
- Gallium Giga Speed DRY&WET Solid 10g (5g of each) PFOA-freeNow Only €97.75 Regular Price €130.33Set consisting of 2 products: Gallium Giga Speed DRY Solid (5 g) and Gallium Giga Speed WET Solid (5 g).
- Gallium General Paste, 30mlNow Only €9.22 Regular Price €12.30Universal fluorinated paste glide wax for all temperatures and all types of snow.
- Gallium Hybrid Base Wax 0°...-25°C, 100gNow Only €13.77 Regular Price €17.21HYBRID BASE - ski/snowboard base wax for all snow types at temperature range between 0°C and -25°C.
- Gallium G-COLD Powder °C, 50gNow Only €11.15 Regular Price €13.93G-COLD powder - additive powder wax.